The World's New Gay State

The Blunt Reality of Gay Marriage in US Today

Posted in Uncategorized by thegaystateblog on February 26, 2010

 The history of Gay America has been forced to remain mostly hidden from view, ever since Columbus and his merry band of intrepid adventurers: some arguably the first Gay Europeans to land, first arrived over 500 years ago.  The society of Man has of course progressed over time, as have Gay Americans.  But because there are Gay television characters, Gay radio stations, Gay film and Gay publishing, all in the realm of popular culture, do not overestimate the degree that Gay citizens are able to celebrate freedom and liberty in the United States.

If the reader is old enough to read this, then the reader understands that Gay Americans have waited all of their lives for the chance to marry and have a family and remain today, denied this right.  In short, denied being a part of the American Dream.  In the last several years, as media frenzy would hype any progress in the Gay marriage movement, both for and against, something happened in America.  For the first time in US history, amendments were passed in state constitutions to disenfranchise a certain class of citizen.  State after state amended their constitutions to deny Gay American citizen the rights afforded to all other full humans and thus denied Gays and Lesbians the right to marry and raise a family.

Most recently a number of states legalized Gay marriage through actions of the judicial and legislative branches.  As the joyous exultations of “free at last!” rang out from Gay America, the laws were repealed, almost overnight, struck down or vetoed by a referendum and popular vote.  Marriage licenses that had been framed and proudly hung in family rooms across America were suddenly worthless and a cruel reminder that hard-fought freedom in America can be snatched away at any moment if you don’t win the favor of the ruling majority.  Maine, California and marriages in New York are the most glaring examples.

Currently, only five states allow same-sex marriages which are frankly, more ceremonial than substantive.  Since the federal government refuses to acknowledge these “unions” as marriages, they are, in the eyes of the US federal government, of little meaning or consequence.

Current realities as painful as they are, offer three views that Gay Americans can either embrace or simply endure:

 1.The first is to accept the harsh reality that they live under the oppressive policy of a system known as American Gay Apartheid.  It is incredulous but true that while they may be first class tax payers, with incomes and education levels above the US averages, they know they have forever been second class citizens and will remain so.  Millions of Gay Americans have died while in service to their country or simply from old age, never to know the freedom of the majority.  The heterosexual masters continue to allow Gay Americans only as much freedom and rights as they are so inclined to offer.  The policy that same-sex couples cannot marry and have a family speaks volumes that Gays remain unworthy and less than fully human in the eyes of the majority.  Conversely, a heterosexual male could have served prison time for murder, abandoned his children, beat his last three wives and is still free to marry a fourth, fifth or even sixth time.  Rarely if ever does one hear politicians and clergy preach about the “sanctity of marriage” when it comes to a heterosexual making a shameful mockery out of one of mankind’s greatest blessings.  The phrase is reserved almost exclusively for the shunning and belittling of Gay love. 

2. There is only one way the federal government allows Gay people to marry and receive all the rights and privileges of the heterosexual majority.  In order to receive the American governments blessing and approval in this “land of liberty,” the U.S. government forces one of the Gay partners to undergo a sexual reassignment surgery.   Through the painful, psychological trauma and physically altering process, one of the partners must have his or her genitalia surgically removed and replaced with that of the opposite sex. 

As archaic as this forced sexual reassignment sounds, it is a solution in the eyes of the U.S. Government.  However, elderly men and women and the infirm, for example, who have lost the use of their sexual organs remain Gay or non-Gay.  Paraplegics who may have no sexual function remain Gay or non-Gay, according to their orientation.  The surgery doesn’t change orientation.  Only the U.S. lawmakers fail to recognize that the primary stimulant for sex is between the ears and not between the legs.

One New York couple is preparing a lawsuit against the federal government for allegedly forcing this couple to undergo sexual reassignment surgery so that they may marry, have a family and enjoy the fruits of America’s freedom and liberty.  This couple, who has requested anonymity, is currently preparing for the medical procedure.

3. The third and final answer requires Gay Americans to live a lie in order to be granted the American Dream.  Experienced from a life of being shunned and living secretly behind closed curtains, Gay Americans might find this as the only viable option to happiness.  Gay American patriots, who were forced to live a lie to serve their country can best understand how to maneuver this successfully.

This alternative requires one of the marriage partners to fraudulently assume the identity of the opposite sex.  If they lie sufficiently well and often enough, they can marry as husband and wife, adopt children, raise a family, pay their taxes, take their IRS deductions and when one of the spouses is deceased, the other is eligible for Social Security benefits to sustain the family in a time of grief and sorrow.  Hollywood film-maker Ken del Vecchio is producing An Affirmative Act, directed by Jana Mattioli, about two New Jersey Lesbians charged with fraud for misrepresenting themselves, one as a man, but both complicit in the fraud.  The cast of Oscar, Tony and Emmy winners is creating substantial buzz on a film that will premiere at the Hoboken Film Festival in June.  Should the U.S. government sentence two people, forced to a lifetime of lying and deceit when they live in a nation surrounded by tens of millions of other couples who do not have to pay such a heavy price?

To be sure, full and unfettered liberty and freedom in America is reserved for the non-Gay heterosexual majority.   Today, Gay Americans must choose:  accept a life under the system of Gay Apartheid, undergo a required sexual reassignment surgery, or commit fraud and break the laws of the United States.  If Gay Americans are truly devoted to marriage, these are the only choices in the U.S. that currently won’t be snatched away in the dark of the night.  In time the laws may offer Gay equality, but the terror that the global Gay community has endured for 3,000 years prevents a giddy exuberance about the future.  Only time will tell how much longer America will fail to live up to its ideals of freedom, liberty and equality.

American Garrett Graham, author of “The Gay State: The Quest For An Independent Gay Nation-State And What It Means For Conservatives And The World’s Religions,” is a university lecturer, Gay nationalist and international Gay equality activist.

China Joins Ranks As International Number of Gay Patriots Swells

Posted in Uncategorized by thegaystateblog on February 17, 2010

Everyday, we receive emails and calls from people all over the world, never more so than now that THE GAY STATE was the cover story in China. 10 million hits a month is sort of like having a full page ad in the New York Times, three weeks in a row. A grateful salute to our Gay brothers and sisters in China!

Global press routinely comes to us in ways we wouldn’t expect and is not routinely seen in Google searches.  So remember, loyal patriots, as our numbers grow, we must remember that for the vast majority of people, merely struggling through their day is all many can muster.  For a majority, human nature dictates it is far easier to criticize than to boldly step out into unknown territory.  A skeptic is merely taking the path of less resistance.  So remember, naysayers are simply taking the easier path.  What we are doing, requires hope, courage, faith and a willingness to take a stand where others fear to tread.  And when we are able to celebrate victory after victory, the skeptics will best remain behind.

Click on this link to go to the full story.

In every country around the world, the LGBT-community forms a minority. Currently, a worldwide movement is trying to change this reality. They are busy creating a gay state…

Garrett Graham’s Lecture At Columbia Postponed Due To Weather.

Posted in Uncategorized by thegaystateblog on February 9, 2010

The lecture and reception featuring Garrett Graham, scheduled for Tuesday evening, February 9th in the International Affairs Building on the Columbia campus has been postponed due to the blizzard anticipated to hit New York City sometime late Tuesday and all day Wednesday.

According to Jack Flannigan, the acting Press Secretary for The Gay State, the closure of the New York area airports made travel impossible.  “We have many supporters in the Columbia community who were looking forward to the lecture and post-reception.  We will reschedule the event as soon as all arrangements can be made.  We regret any inconvenience.”

This was to be Graham’s final lecture in the northeast US for this winter season.

Hundreds of Gay Models and Our Allies Turn Out to Participate.

Posted in Uncategorized by thegaystateblog on February 3, 2010

There are days when the phone calls and emails criticizing our cause and vilifying our intentions outweigh the positive ones.  This has not happened for several weeks.  Our request went out far and wide for models to participate in our upcoming photo shoot.  The theme is an Iwo Jima-inspired photo of Gay citizens representing every spectrum of the Gay Rainbow working as one, in harmony to raise a flag above our heads as a people – one people, in our struggle for independence.  The trickle of applicants soon overwhelmed the few staffers in our offices assigned to the project.  Hundreds of emails and attachments flooded our in boxes.  The telephones rang incessantly for days.  And everyone understandably wants in earnest to participate in what could become a global sensation.  Even professional models agreed to work gratis in order to be included.

Jack Flannigan, our Press Secretary, envisioned this as being a small, little project where we might get a few nice shots for the cover of the upcoming edition of The Gay State.  “Very few funds were allocated and now this has exploded into something larger than anyone could have predicted.  It speaks to how much pent-up desire there is out there to see our efforts succeed,”  according to Flannigan. 

The publisher and editorial staff continue to narrow down selections.  “We have always wanted real gay people, to be in this shoot.  A representation of who we are as a people,” Flannigan added.  While the shoot has encountered delays, administrators anticipate a wrap up by February 13th.

As soon as the first place photo is selected, you’ll see it here first.  Mr. Graham and all of us, wish to offer our sincere thanks and appreciation for everyone interest and willingness to put so much effort into this work.  We are humbled by everyone’s commitment to see this project through.

– Jack.